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Moodle Integration

Log in to Moodle as an Administrator

1.  Click Site Administration > Plugins > Web services > Overview and follow the steps in Users as clients with token:

a. Enable web services = Yes

b. Enable protocols = REST protocol

c. Select a Service > Custom services > Add

d. Create a custom service called MEDIASHAREiQ


Short name = MEDIASHAREiQ

Enabled = ON

Save Change

e. Click Functions

Add the following functions to this service:

f. Manage Tokens > Add

Create a token under this service and send back to EMS, we will put this into database

User = Admin user


Configure MEDIASHAREiQ in Moodle

  1. Click Site Administration > Plugins > External tool > Manage tools, click the Configure a tool manually link.

2. Complete the following fields:

a. Click Manage Tools > Configure a tool manually.

b. Tool name: MEDIASHAREiQ

c. Tool URL: https:// brynmawr.mediashareiq.com/canvashare

d. Consumer key: Create a key. This key will need to be configured within MEDIASHAREiQ in later steps.

e. Shared secret: Create a share secret. This key will need to be configured within MEDIASHAREiQ in later steps.

f. Tool configuration usage: Select “show as preconfigured tool when adding an external tool”

g. Default launch container: New window (please chose one of the values based on your preference)

Go to the MEDIASHAREiQ site

  1. Click Settings > Integration > LMS and then complete the fields. Note: Consumer Key and Shared Secret should match the fields in Moodle.

Add MEDIASHAREiQ to courses

  1. Complete the following fields:

a. Select Course >Turn editing ON > Add an activity of resource

b. Select External tool >Add

c. Activity name = MEDIASHAREiQ

d. Preconfigured tool = MEDIASHAREiQ

e. Save and return to course

Updated on November 4, 2019

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